Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Love the rain (Younique Cycle @ Bike show)

Tuesday was insane.  I procrastinated in running for an hour and then suited up to do my 90 min run.  The set was 15min warm up, into 30 min hill repeats at Bell School Line Hill.  To anyone who doesn't know that is the escarpment and people have been known to fall backwards off their bikes on that hill!...Sorry Jim..haha.  The rest of the set was after the repeats do, 10min tempo into a 15min cool down!
The procrastination tactics costed me because 10 min into the run the sky opened up...again.  haha  I can't get away from the rain.  It turned into a serious down pour of rain and hail.  All I could think of was Florida and how warm it was for everyone training down there.  I pushed on and worked hard on getting up and over the hills.  I figured I was out there so I might as well crank it hard!  The tempo run after felt strong.  I was holding around 5:40 miles and wasn't letting up at all.  I pushed it home and got muddy as hell from the trucks spraying me down Derry.  Got home took the dog for a walk and played with him in the rain.  People must have thought we were insane! haha.  All and all.....well worth getting wet!
That night was swim practice.  Mike gave us a set that I was not in the mood for..This is what it was:
1000 warm up
Into 45 x 50 on  (5 on 55) (4 on 50) (3 on 45) (2 on 50) (1 on 40) .  No rest No time for recovery until you got to the 5 at the start of the set.
I worked on staying long and getting a serous turn over happening...feeling fast.  Was coming in around 36s per 50. 
300 warm down.
This weekend is the bike show and I will be helping out my main sponsor and Guru!  It is going to be great

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