Training is finally back on track today. For the past week I was in South Carolina playing golf. It was a well deserved holiday, and for the first time I can say holiday. We played in Seabrook, which is the golfing capital of the USA. There was a golf course on every corner!
Arriving home to the cold was not that motivating but was ready to hammer. I started out with a solid swim. 600 warm up around 600 drill then the main set of 2 sets of 10x (75 fast then hammer a 25!) Then put on the pull and paddle and hammer it out for 400m. All together did around 3600m. Then headed to the treadmill and did a nice little run, which turned into me racing myself going sub 6min miles..haha...it's what we do!
Now off to ride the rollers for a couple hours! Big week will keep you posted!