Monday, November 9, 2009

Great Weekend Away

What a great weekend!

Shannon and I were going to drive to Chicago but thanks to a close friend we ended up flying down! We left bright and early to Chicago boarding a 8:15 flight. We landed and were off! Shannon and I headed to the Magnificent Mile, which is actually pretty neat! We went to town hitting all the shops along the way. Of course we got a few things!!!

We finished off our day and headed back to the hotel for 2ish then got ready to head to the fight. Now the funny part about this is we kept asking people were the fight was and nobody had a clue! We were getting a bit worried until someone said it is 22 miles outside of town?? Weird. So off we went! The Undercard fights weren't that Shannon took a nap and I got a Fedor Shirt!! Now for the main event! Fedor vs. Rogers.

Rogers got a stiff jab out of the gate on Fedor and broke his nose. The crowd was going crazy chanting USA....I guess it's what they do. The Fedor got in some bombs until he was mounted by Rogers who landed a few heavy blows! Now Shannon and I had to think fast. We wanted to see the fight but being in the middle of no where meant we had to act fast at the end of the fight to get out and back to the hotel...22 miles is a long way back! 2nd round began and again Rogers put the pressure on Fedor who was bleeding from the face. Then it happened! Fedor stepped in, faked the shoot and gave Rogers a right hook that landed square on the chin of Rogers sending him to the floor!!!! Man what a fight!! As he was hitting the ground Shannon and I ran out the door got a cab and made it home!! So good! We jumped on the plane in the morning and I was able to get in a game of golf on Sunday!! haha

Back to Business now. Great Practice this morning now heading out for a 2 hour ride!

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