Sunday, September 20, 2009

Thanksgiving Day 10km

Look at me posting 2 x in the same day!

I just got off the phone with James and he told me about a 10km race in Guelph that uses Qualifying times! It is the 10km Thanksgiving Day Race on October 12th.

Supposably in Guelph, this race made front page news because people were upset with a Qualifying time. Many runners felt that would not allow them to race. I have looked at the times and to be honest if you train hard enough you can attain the times. Males is below 43min and Females is under 48 min. Seems like reasonable times right?

I have signed up for the race and am calling out all runners and triathletes to come and play! No excuses October 12th - 10am race start!

...Quenton Cassidy out!

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