Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Time To Head South

Well, I have had enough of this weather and it is time to take off and go south. I am heading back to Clermont to train and race in the Florida Escape Triathlon...I would also like to say it is the most expensive race I am ever going to do!

I am excited to put miles on the bike and see my good friends at www.epiccyclesusa.com . Roman and Jude are holding strong and from what I hear it is now a full triathlon store! Knew they would come over to the dark side!

My apologize to my wife for leaving on her Birthday and missing Valentines and..and Family day! Will make it up to you. Feeling really good and the swim is coming along great.

Can't wait to put my Xterra wetsuit and sable water optics to work! Going to throw down a serious bike split on my Guru with ISM saddle and Running Company is going to bring it home on the run!

Funny side note..checkout out my 5km from 2006 and ran a 19 min 5km .....just ran a 17km...getting faster?? I think so

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