Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year

Back at it!

The past three days have been great. Except the pools have been shut down because of the holidays.

Dec 30 was a awesome day with a 1.5 hour ride on the compu-trainer. I was able to put out for the 1st hour close to 220 watts. I forget the exact avg but I believe it was around 215. Not a bad ride. I also did a 5km warm up running 19min and then off the bike I did another 20min run with Bob.

Dec 31 Bob and I decided to go at it again on the compu-trainer. Before the ride I did an hour run avg 4:27 km/h. Felt really good until I hit the bike and was only able to output 210 watts on the Lausanne Bike course. Good Choice Bob!

January 1st Bob and I got back on the trainer for another 63 min ride. We attacked the Alcatraz Course and I was able to output 210 watts again. Not bad for off season. I then ran and easy 30 min run. The roads were horrible so I would rather have an awesome day at the track tomorrow.....it is go time. GOTTA GET FAST

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